Bristow Montessori School

Primary Program

An academic program for students 3 - 6 years old.

The Primary program is truly a gift to your child. Designed for children between the ages of 3 to 6 years, it is an opportunity to nurture his individual development within the context of a group setting. The result? Self-confidence, joy and a lifelong love-for-learning.

Child Centered Approach

The teacher’s role is primarily to help stimulate a child’s never-ending curiosity and guide/facilitate learning. The teacher will introduce lessons and then let children practice what they have learned. Montessori materials are designed to be self-correcting, which encourages independent problem solving and eliminates the correctional, disciplinary role of traditional teachers. The tasks of a Primary Program BMS teacher are:

  • To prepare a series of motivational activities linking the child with the materials
  • To direct and relate the child’s energies to the material, according to the state of development
  • To demonstrate their proper use, and then allow the child to practice the activity without interruption

A Mixed-Age Classroom

Because the curriculum is individualized, your child can work at his or her own pace while participating in a mixed age classroom community. Your younger child learns by observing the behavior and activities of the older children. Your older child gains self-confidence, leadership skills and responsibility by setting an example for her younger friends.

The Gift of Choice

Your child will be introduced to a broad range of concepts and activities in individual and small group lessons. The real learning, however, occurs through independent activity by choosing to explore it, repeat it and perfect it.

Hands-On Materials

The scientifically designed Montessori materials help your child learn through hands-on use and exploration. Through continued use, he develops as a concrete understanding of abstract concepts, such as mathematics, providing a solid foundation for learning into the future.

Group Activities and Play

While most of the day is spent in self-directed work, there are also times for group activity and play. The teacher may gather a group for songs or to tell stories about a cultural, scientific or historical theme of interest. Ample time is also given to run, dig, explore and play with friends outdoors.

One Size Does Not Fit All

Instead of a top down curriculum based upon age, the teacher is trained to respect your child’s unique potential and connects him with the lesson best suited at that precise moment of development. Your child will be challenged according to her ability, not to a generic standard.

Kindergarten Included

Montessori is a continuum of education that allows your child to build upon experiences each year. Your child will stay in the Primary classroom for 3 years, including the traditional “kindergarten year” – when the seeds of learning come to fruition. Reading and writing come to life from sounds and symbols. She is introduced to numbers and the decimal system. She learns about geometric figures and the political countries of our world. She leaves the program with a strong set of academic skills; but, far more importantly, with the attitude that learning is fun, exciting and boundless.

Parent Reviews

five stars reviews

"BMS has been wonderful. BMS isn't just a school but they've also become like family. The staff genuinely cares about the children and we couldn't be happier with their services."

— Parent of 4-year-old

"My daughter started at BMS when she was 4 months old. With every room my daughter transitions to the teachers are kind and truly care for her well-being. I would recommend this school to any parent without hesitation."

— Parent of 5-year-old

If you think your child would thrive in a Montessori environment, give us a call or schedule a tour. We would love for you to visit our school and learn more.

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