Bristow Montessori School. Bristow, VA 20136

Admissions of students without regard to race, color, gender, or religion


Contact Us

703 468 1191

9050 Devlin Rd

Bristow, VA 20136

7:30 am - 5:30 pm

Monday to Friday


Contact Us

703 468 1191

9050 Devlin Rd

Bristow, VA 20136

6:30 am - 6:30 pm

Monday to Friday

Montessori Education


“Children are human beings to whom respect is due, superior to us by reason of their innocence and of the greater possibilities of their future.”
photo of Dr. Maria Montessori

Dr. Maria Montessori


Dr. Maria Montessori

photo of Dr. Maria Montessori
“Children are human beings to whom respect is due, superior to us by reason of their innocence and of the […]


“The first essential for the child’s development is concentration. The child who concentrates is immensely happy.”
photo of Dr. Maria Montessori

Dr. Maria Montessori


Dr. Maria Montessori

photo of Dr. Maria Montessori
“The first essential for the child’s development is concentration. The child who concentrates is immensely happy.”

Natural Process

“Education is a natural process carried out by the child and is not acquired by listening to words but by experiences in the environment.”
photo of Dr. Maria Montessori

Dr. Maria Montessori


Dr. Maria Montessori

photo of Dr. Maria Montessori
“Education is a natural process carried out by the child and is not acquired by listening to words but by […]

Living Environment

“Plainly, the environment must be a living one, directed by a higher intelligence, arranged by an adult who is prepared for his mission.”
photo of Dr. Maria Montessori

Dr. Maria Montessori


Dr. Maria Montessori

photo of Dr. Maria Montessori
“Plainly, the environment must be a living one, directed by a higher intelligence, arranged by an adult who is prepared […]


“Education should no longer be mostly imparting knowledge, but must take a new path, seeking the release of human potentials.”
photo of Dr. Maria Montessori

Dr. Maria Montessori


Dr. Maria Montessori

photo of Dr. Maria Montessori
“Education should no longer be mostly imparting knowledge, but must take a new path, seeking the release of human potentials.”


“Growth is not merely a harmonious increase in size, but a transformation.”
photo of Dr. Maria Montessori

Dr. Maria Montessori


Dr. Maria Montessori

photo of Dr. Maria Montessori
“Growth is not merely a harmonious increase in size, but a transformation.”


“BMS has been wonderful. BMS isn't just a school, they've also become like family. The staff genuinely cares about the children and we couldn't be happier with their services.”

- Parent of 4-year-old


- Parent of 4-year-old

“BMS has been wonderful. BMS isn’t just a school, they’ve also become like family. The staff genuinely cares about the […]


“These words reveal the child’s inner needs; ‘Help me to do it alone’.”
photo of Dr. Maria Montessori

Dr. Maria Montessori


Dr. Maria Montessori

photo of Dr. Maria Montessori
“These words reveal the child’s inner needs; ‘Help me to do it alone’.”


“Of all things love is the most potent.”
photo of Dr. Maria Montessori

Dr. Maria Montessori


Dr. Maria Montessori

photo of Dr. Maria Montessori
“Of all things love is the most potent.”


“We have two kids attending BMS and we all love it! We have been part of the BMS family for 3 years now. The staff is always available to answer questions and greet you at the door with a smile. Our kids are excelling in all categories, and way ahead of County school standards for their age. I highly recommend BMS to any parent who wants the best for their child.”

- Parent of 3 and 4 year-old


- Parent of 3 and 4 year-old

“We have two kids attending BMS and we all love it! We have been part of the BMS family for […]


“Such experiences is not just play…. It is work he must do in order to grow up.”
photo of Dr. Maria Montessori

Dr. Maria Montessori


Dr. Maria Montessori

photo of Dr. Maria Montessori
“Such experiences is not just play…. It is work he must do in order to grow up.”


“But an adult if he is to provide proper guidance, must always be calm and act slowly so that the child who is watching him can clearly see his actions in all their particulars.”
photo of Dr. Maria Montessori

Dr. Maria Montessori


Dr. Maria Montessori

photo of Dr. Maria Montessori
“But an adult if he is to provide proper guidance, must always be calm and act slowly so that the […]


“My 2.5 year old started at BMS when she was only 4 months old, and I couldn't be happier with our decision to enroll her here. With every room my daughter transitions to the teachers are kind and truly care for her well-being. I would recommend this school to any parent without hesitation.”

- Parent of 5-year-old


- Parent of 5-year-old

“My 2.5 year old started at BMS when she was only 4 months old, and I couldn’t be happier with […]


“Little children, from the moment they are weaned, are making their way toward independence.”
photo of Dr. Maria Montessori

Dr. Maria Montessori


Dr. Maria Montessori

photo of Dr. Maria Montessori
“Little children, from the moment they are weaned, are making their way toward independence.”

Montessori Education

Montessori Education vs. Traditional Education

Montessori Education – A Montessori school is founded in self-direction and cooperative activities that nurture a child’s self image, elevated levels of academic and social competence as well as the confidence to overcome challenges with optimism. Encouraged to make decisions from an early age, Montessori children are naturally curious problem-solvers who learn to choose wisely, manage time effectively and work well with one another. These children, at a young age, will exchange ideas and discuss their work together. The emphasis on positive communication skills builds a strong foundation for learning through life.

On this page you will find a few selected videos featuring different aspects of Montessori education and philosophy, along with Traditional vs Montessori Education comparisons, and a list of books for recommended reading.

Montessori Education


  • The child is viewed holistically, valuing cognitive, psychological, social and spiritual development
  • Values concentration and depth of experience; supplies uninterrupted time for focused work cycle to develop
  • Grace, courtesy and conflict resolution are integral parts of daily Montessori peace curriculum
  • Care of self and environment are emphasized as integral to the learning experience
  • Child learns to share leadership; egalitarian interaction is encouraged
  • GOAL: Foster a love of learning

Traditional Education


  • Views the child in terms of competence, skill level, and achievement with an emphasis on core curricula standards and social development
  • Values completion of assignments; time is tightly scheduled
  • Conflict resolution is taught independently from classroom activity
  • Less emphasis placed on self care, special awareness, and care of the environment
  • Hierarchical classroom structure is prominent
  • GOAL: Master core curricula objectives

Montessori Education

Learning Process

  • Carefully prepared learning environment and method encourages development of internal self discipline and intrinsic motivation
  • Child is an active participant in learning: allowed to move about and respectfully explore the classroom environment; teacher is an instructional facilitator and guide
  • Learning is reinforced internally through the child’s own repetition of an activity and internal feelings of success
  • Child is allowed to spot her own errors through feedback from materials; errors are view as a part of the learning process
  • Child can work where he is comfortable and often has choices between working alone or with a highly collaborative group of older and younger students
  • Children are encouraged to teach, collaborate and help one another
  • Three-year span of age grouping and three year cycles allow teacher, students, and parents to develop supportive, collaborative and trusting relationships
  • Progress is reported through multiple formats: conferences, narrative reports, checklists and portfolio of work

Traditional Education

Learning Process

  • Teacher acts as primary enforcer of external discipline promoting extrinsic motivation
  • Child is a more participant in learning; teacher has a more dominant, central role in classroom activity
  • Learning is reinforced externally by test scores and rewards, completion and grades
  • Work is usually corrected by the teacher; errors are viewed as mistakes
  • Child is usually assigned a specific work space; talking among peers is discouraged
  • Most teaching is done by the teacher and collaboration is an alternative teaching strategy
  • Same-age and/or skill level grouping; one year cycles can limit development of strong teacher, student and parent collaboration
  • Progress is usually reported through conferences, report cards/grades and test scores

Montessori Education


  • Multi-disciplinary, interwoven curriculum
  • Instruction, both individual and group, adapts to students’ learning styles and development levels
  • Child is provided with opportunities to choose own work from interest and abilities, concepts taught with context of interest
  • Child’s learning pace is internally determined

Traditional Education


  • Curriculum areas usually taught as separate topics
  • Instruction, both individual and group, adapts to core curricula benchmarks
  • Curricula organized and structured for child based on core curricula standards
  • Instructional pace usually set by core-curricula standards expectations, group norm, or teacher

Recommended Reading

We have compiled a list of some of our favorite parenting and educational books related to Montessori philosophy and learning. We hope you find greatness in this book list whether you are new to Montessori, are experienced Montessori parents or teachers, or have a love for learning. Our head of School, Anita Ercole has been a Montessori guide for over 20 years, and is available to answer any questions you may have about Montessori education. Enjoy the great reads!

Lillard, Paula Polk, Montessori—A Modern Approach (Schocken) An introduction to the Montessori approach to preschool education
Montessori, Maria, The Absorbent Mind (Kalakshetra) A discussion on the development of infants and young children, birth to age three
Montessori, Maria, The Discovery of the Child (Kalakshetra) Early writings of Dr. Montessori highlighting the materials and the work of the child in a primary class (ages 3-6)
Montessori, Maria, The Secret of Childhood (Ballantine Books) An introduction, both practical and theoretical, into the nature of young children
montessori education maria montessori book
Standing, E.M., Maria Montessori: Her Life and Work (New American Library) A biography of Dr. Montessori’s life, including her development of material, the child’s work in the class, and the growth of the Montessori movement
Montessori from the Start: The Child at Home, from Birth to Age Three by Paula Polk Lillard, Lynn Lillard Jessen - What can parents do to help their youngest children in their task of self-formation? How does the Montessori method of hands-on learning and self-discovery relate to the youngest infants? This authoritative and accessible book answers these and many other questions.